Strategy Games Rivalry (S.G.R)

A Night of Games

Strategy, Games, and Rivalry (S.G.R.) was a game-theory based session conducted on September 28, 2024 in CRC. 

It was an interactive session where the audience were first introduced to game theory following which they were allowed to play four different games in stalls set up by our coordinators.

An Easter Egg: Why do you think the name S.G.R was significant?

Presentation and Problem Set

These are the slides used in the event. The content give a comprehensive coverage of Game Trees, Prisoner’s Dilemma, Nim-sum, 21 Dares and other basic concepts and popular puzzles in game theory which serve as a foundation to the play the games at the stalls hosted at the event. 

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The event also featured a take-home problem set which released after the session. The problem set contains various thought-provoking problems related to game theory.

